All Nations Elementary Programs

Primary – Grades 1 to 2

In the primary grades, we focus on strong, fundamental literacy skills.

We want all of our students to have good reading, writing and numeracy skills. It is important for them to learn how to write cursively and memorize their times tables. All of these foundations affect different parts of the brain, from the logical-rational side, to the creative side and the long-term memory and executive functions that tie them together.

Children who develop these skills love to learn and are set up for a lifetime of curiosity and desire to understand.

Junior – Grades 3 – 5

In the junior grades, we shift the teaching emphasis to the application of literacy and numeracy skills. This prepares the children for “learning how to learn”.

Along with the subjects that are taught at each grade level, other important skills are cultivated like good note-taking skills, research skills and organizational skills. These groups of skills are important in how they can help a child take something they are interested in and turn it into a presentation to share with, and teach, others.

These skills are also essential foundations for the more subject-diverse scholastic years that are ahead of them as the progress through higher grade levels.